A booming start to the year for classes at Martial Art World

Author: Mr B Bonthuys

We're going to be kicking off to a fantastic start of year for 2017! It’s great to see so many families training together with high energy in class, using the “SSL” rule – Smiling, Sweating and Learning!

However this is only possible if we apply ourselves to become our personal best in every single class that we participate in. So how do we get that spark of ignition that’s really going to make a difference to how we train in class? Simple - we need to plan ahead by goal setting!

This rule for me is personally invaluable, and it’s how I see so many students in class become more directional, become motivated to accelerate weight loss, become healthier, grow stronger, kick higher, improve their health and achieve what they want from their training! Just ask yourself: Would you like your training to truly “step-up”?

This is the Key! Set yourself a goal today with the ambition to get what you want out of your martial arts journey. When you attend class, ensure this is at the front of your mind - this is what will create energy to motivate you to push harder in every aspect of your training for victory!

At the end of each session - ask yourself: “Did I really try my absolute best in class today?”

If you truly commit - just watch what happens!

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