Our Blog

Our blog will be a regular source of information about events and information regarding a variety of subjects at Martial Art World. Be sure to stay tuned, to expand your knowledge and learning.

It would’ve been a lovely picnic if it hadn’t rained…

Author: Master Bonthuys

Putting aside the content of your syllabus or the standard of student that you create; it's amazing how many instructors think that the "teaching" aspect of running a successful school is the only thing to focus upon.

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Master J’s Top 3 rules for getting in shape

Author: Master J Bonthuys

Everyone’s perspective of being “in shape” is slightly different. People’s goals can be varied, however most people that come to me and want to get in shape are looking to either 1. BUILD MUSCLE OR 2. LOSE WEIGHT/BODY FAT. Of course there’s also the ideal goal of doing both at the same time!

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Self Defence

Author: Master J Bonthuys

Most people think of martial arts when they hear the words 'self-defence'. Of course, martial arts plays a huge role in learning how to protect yourself but considering your diet should also be taken into account.

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We’re offering the gift of Martial Arts again this Christmas (for only £49)!

Author: Master Bonthuys

After the success of our Christmas promotion last year we're pleased to announce that we're going to be offering this fantastic deal again for 2017.

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One of the most important things you need in life…

Author: Master J Bonthuys

V I S I O N - If you want to achieve anything in life, you NEED to have a vision. You have to SEE in your mind what you want and then make a PLAN to reach your goal.

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Couples that train together, stay together!

Author: Master J Bonthuys

Do you ever find yourself getting caught up in the 9-5pm syndrome? Getting home, cooking dinner, eating and then falling asleep on the sofa? Or putting on TV but then end up just scrolling through social media, with your partner sat next to you doing the exact same thing? Ask yourself this question: how much quality time do you actually spend with your partner?

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Should I fast-track to black belt?

Author: Karen Redshaw

If you've ever wondered about what the benefits of the MAW Fast-Track programmes are, then allow me to enlighten you with our own personal experience!

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Mindset is Everything

Author: Mr B Bonthuys

On a daily basis do you plan ahead? Do you visualise and strategise how you're going to tackle the obstacles in your daily life or do you just go with the flow? Do you think through how that one highlight of your day whether it be the martial arts, a run, a gym session is going to get conquered or do you just attend and see what happens next?

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Martial Arts Training in the Far East

Author: Master Bonthuys

As an established 3rd dan black belt instructor, I started martial arts training in the far-east (Kunming, China) in 1997. I was privileged enough to train for six months. It was very tough, but great fun. I was the only white man on the block!!!

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