Do you train when you’re on holiday?

Author: Master J Bonthuys

Do you train when you're on holiday? Some people don't like it and feel a holiday should be relaxing. Some feel it should be the opposite with a chance for adventure and to simply see the world. For me, I like to do all 3! I love to relax in the sun, I love to adventure to new places and of course I love to train!

I personally love choosing a cruise for a holiday - waking up in a different location every morning without effort is incredible! I find that a cruise ship is also a great place for training - so many different machines (I’m like a kid in a playground)!

After my weights session I then head outside to the front of the ship to train some martial arts and stretch. It feels like it’s just me and the sea…

Take home message: choose a form of exercise that you enjoy. If you learn to love your training then you’ll WANT to train on holiday rather than feel like you should!

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